55.00 Με ΦΠΑ


Increases aerobic capacity & VO2max
Increases peak power output
Increases anaerobic threshold
Improves myocardial & cardiovascular responses to exercise
Increases Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) & Phosphocreatine (PCr) Synthesis
Increases Oxygen Transport to Cells
Super Antioxidant Natural r-ALA
Important for HIIT & Endurance Trainings


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Sodium Phosphate Tribasic – The endurance salt

Sodium Phosphate improves exercise performance

Sodium phosphate loading, has been shown to influence the maximal and run performance in seven male competitive runners. Phosphate loading also significantly increased maximal oxygen uptake (6–12%), which was also noted in another study conducted on 10 well-trained distance runners.

Studies are also reporting improved endurance performance in competitive cyclists.

Sodium Bicarbonated – More oxygen into your cells

Sodium bicarbonate has the chemical formula NaHCO3. It’s a mildly alkaline salt made up of sodium and bicarbonate ions.
Sodium bicarbonate clears acid out of muscle cells, helping restore an optimal pH. This may decrease fatigue and increase performance.
Sodium bicarbonate may help improve performance in the later stages of high-intensity exercise.
Sodium bicarbonate likely improves the body’s ability to perform during interval training, which may benefit performance in many sports.
Sodium bicarbonate may improve muscle coordination and increase strength. It could also increase the number of heavy-weight repetitions you can do at the gym

To understand how sodium bicarbonate works, it is helpful to first understand the concept of pH.

How pH Affects Exercise Performance

In chemistry, pH is a scale used to grade how acidic or alkaline (basic) a solution is.

A pH of 7.0 is considered neutral. Anything lower than 7.0 is acidic and anything above that is alkaline.

As humans, our pH is naturally close to neutral. It normally stays around 7.4 in blood and 7.0 in muscle cells.

You function best when your acid-alkaline balance remains close to this target, which is why your body has various ways to maintain these levels.

However, certain diseases or external factors can disrupt this balance. One of these factors is high-intensity exercise, also known as anaerobic exercise.

During anaerobic exercise, your body’s demand for oxygen exceeds the available supply. As a result, your muscles cannot rely on oxygen to produce energy.

Instead, they must switch to a different pathway — the anaerobic pathway.

Creating energy through the anaerobic pathway produces lactic acid. Too much lactic acid decreases your muscle cells’ pH below the optimal 7.0.

This disrupted balance limits energy production and may also reduce your muscles’ ability to contract. Both of these effects ultimately lead to fatigue, which reduces exercise performance.

How Sodium Bicarbonate Helps Maintain pH

Sodium bicarbonate has an alkaline pH of 8.4 and can therefore raise your blood pH slightly.

Higher blood pH allows acid to move from muscle cells into the bloodstream, returning their pH to 7.0. This enables the muscles to continue contracting and producing energy.

Scientists believe this is the primary way that sodium bicarbonate can help you exercise harder, faster or for longer.

Sodium bicarbonate is especially helpful for high-intensity exercise that lasts between 1 and 7 minutes and involves large muscle groups.

Additionally, most improvements seem to take place near the end of a workout. For example, a recent study observed a 1.5-second performance improvement in the last 1,000 meters of a 2,000-meter (1.24-mile) rowing event.

The results are similar for cycling, sprinting, swimming and team sports.

However, the benefits can vary from person to person. They may also depend on the type of activity, gender, personal tolerance and training level.

Interval training is when a person alternates between intense and less-intense exercise during a single session.

Some examples of this type of training include forms of running, cycling, rowing, swimming, Olympic weightlifting and CrossFit.

Studies that looked at this type of exercise found that sodium bicarbonate helped prevent decreases in performance.

This generally led to overall improvements of 1.7–8%.

Interval training is very common in many sports, and studies find that sodium bicarbonate intake can benefit judo, swimming, boxing and tennis.

Finally, the ability of sodium bicarbonate to help you push through the final stages of your workout may also improve your workout results.

For example, participants who took sodium bicarbonate during an 8-week interval-training program had cycled for 133% longer by the end of the study period.

Sodium bicarbonate may also help increase strength.

In one study, experienced weightlifters who took sodium bicarbonate 60 minutes before a workout were able to do 6 more squats in their first of three sets.

This suggests that sodium bicarbonate can enhance performance, especially at the beginning of a session.

In addition, sodium bicarbonate may also benefit muscle coordination.

For example, one study found that it helped maintain tennis players’ swing accuracy. Another study found similar benefits for boxers’ punch accuracy.

These outcomes suggest that sodium bicarbonate could have effects on the brain.

r-Alpha Lipoic Acid

R-lipoic acid, or thioctic acid, is a disulfide-containing compound, found inside every cell of the body.

It is called the “universal antioxidant”

Important functions of lipoic acid:

Lipoic acid acts as a powerful antioxidant both inside and outside of the cells.
Lipoic acid scavenges several reactive oxygen species.
Lipoic acid helps to regenerate both fat and water-soluble antioxidant vitamins (such as vitamins C and E).
Lipoic acid improves sugar and fat metabolism.
Lipoic acid is an essential cofactor for mitochondrial respiratory enzymes that improves mitochondrial function. Lipoic acid exerts a “rejuvenating” impact on mitochondria by protecting them against the higher levels of ROS they produce during the aging process.
Lipoic acid also has anti-inflammatory action, independently of its antioxidant activity.

A healthy body makes enough lipoic acid to supply its energy requirements; therefore, there is no daily requirement for this supplement. However, several medical conditions appear to be accompanied by low levels of lipoic acid – specifically, diabetes, liver cirrhosis, and heart disease.

In Europe, lipoic acid is licensed for the treatment of diabetic neuropathy. It has been shown to enhance insulin sensitivity, improve microcirculation in the limbs, and reduce neuropathic symptoms.

Lipoic Acid Acts as a Powerful Antioxidant
Lipoic Acid Can Help with Weight Loss
Lipoic Acid Promotes Muscle Regeneration After Exercise
Lipoic Acid Decreases Inflammation
Lipoic Acid Helps Lower Blood Pressure
Lipoic Acid Protects the Brain
Lipoic Acid Can Protect Your Eyes and Vision
Lipoic Acid Can Prevent Migraines
Lipoic Acid Alleviates Pain
Lipoic Acid May Help with Ulcers and IBD
Lipoic Acid Removes Toxic Metals from the Body
Lipoic Acid Promotes Wound Healing

Product Information:

90 caps | 10 training days supply | 30 servings

Suggested use:
Serving = 3 Vcaps
From day 19 before race to the day before race:
consume 1 serving (3 Vcaps) with the first meal of the day, 1 serving with the second meal of the day and 1 serving with the after-training meal
On the race day:

1st serving with the first meal of the day
2nd serving one hour after the 1st one, with a small meal or snack
3rd serving one hour after the 2nd one, with a small meal or snack

*This website is for your education and general health information only. The ideas, opinions and suggestions contained on this website are not to be used as a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment from your doctor for any health condition or problem. Users of this website should not rely on information provided on this website for their own health problems. Any questions regarding your own health should be addressed to your own physician. Please do not start or stop any medications without consulting with your doctor. We neither encourage you to do so, nor can we be held responsible for the fall out of failing to seek the counsel of a medical health practitioner.



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